Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Shoulder Rehab 3 months later...I swim

Something new happened on Tuesday at the swimming pool.  I swam freestyle with 2 arms.  It felt different and on video you will see it is different.  I didn't think the one arm swimming would make that much of a difference but it did.  My head staying in the water, for now...ha ha.  It was a huge break though and it felt great. I did maybe 200 meters total of freestyle and tried kicking on my stomach and back with my arms over my head too.  Coach Dominic said I don't have full extension yet, but I also have to learn to tuck my scapula in.  It is different when I am in the water without the floor under me. You can't feel the scapula tucking or the feeling of using all your small back muscles and your trapezoids, it requires a little more concentration.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good!

    I might have to join you guys since I SUCK in the water :) What nights do you swim or should I call Dominic or what?
