Monday, June 13, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation at St. Bernadette's

This was probably the sweetest graduation ceremony I have ever seen.  These little people that started school last August were not the same quiet, sometimes shy and bashful children. Instead they were self assured, confident and mature 6 year olds (or almost 6 year olds) that came into church on June 10.
It is amazing to see the difference in Piper in these pictures from the first day to the last. Here is my girlie with her teachers Mrs. Recher and Mrs. Barrick. Piper had a small speaking part in the graduation ceremony and that was so surprising to me. Last year, even at the beginning of this year I would have been shocked to even think of her speaking up. Yet in class, I would see her routinely raise her hand and speak up. I was so proud of her getting up to the podium and speaking so loudly and clearly.
Piper joined Daisy's this year, she sold girl scout cookies and made a lot of friends with girls in the other kindergarten class, one of which is Vivian. They actually met at the get to know you play date and thank goodness they are friends because her mom and I are great friends!
Here we are the proud parents of Miss Piper and I can't wait to see what she is going to do as a first grader.

Last Week of Kindergarten

My sweet little girl just finished Kindergarten and of course it makes me happy and sad all at the same time.  She loved her teachers, her classmates and being at St. Bernadette's.  I found so many new friends and enjoyed being in the classroom as well as helping in PE and Art with the kids, what a great school and staff.  And yet, as I dropped her off every morning it made me sad because this means my little girl is growing up and becoming more independent and forming her own sense of self.  Like I said happy and sad and very proud of her too.  The last week of school was a lot of fun for the Kindergartner's.  They had an end of year party on Wednesday that included a puppet show and ended with ice pops.
They were all so captivated by it and made individual puppets afterwards. Then they got to play and run and just be kids for a while. It was so much fun for us, as the room parents to see them all laughing and enjoying their friends.

So much fun!
At the end of the day they got a little send off of summer fun for them to take home and remember their first of many end of the school year parties.

Nothing makes a mama's heart feel better than to see their kids full of laughter and happiness and smiling from ear to ear.