Thursday, February 13, 2014

Another Snow Day and the Olympics

Today I am home with my 8 year old, due to 10 plus inches of snow and freezing sleet coming down outside.  She and I have been watching quite a bit of the Olympics from Sochi and every morning we've enjoyed watching the Curling competition.  As I told her on Monday, it is chess on ice.  She has all the terminology down and even though it starts at 5 am every morning we have it tivo'd and play catch up watching all the teams, not just the USA. 

We've also enjoyed watching the Nordic Combined (the commentators in this event are fantastic), and the slopestyle snowboarding, especially learning about Jamie Anderson was awesome.  It was with great anticipation that we watched the half pipe snowboarding event and of course Shaun White, Kelly Clark and all the snowboarders from the USA.  While Kelly Clark and the US women did very well and took home gold and bronze, Shaun White did not fair as well.  I found two articles yesterday that I wanted to share about him because it really showed what a great person his has become and role model as well.  He has had a slip or two in his public life but if he weren't an Olympian and trailblazer in his sport I doubt we would have heard about a public intoxication arrest. 

So, please take a moment and read these two enlightening articles, the first is by Washington Post sports columnist Mike Wise and the second one written by Shannon Younger about lessons our young up and coming athletes can learn.

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