Friday, April 9, 2010

Paris France

Hey, I am in Paris, I love it, so far. Will do a full story later, when I am not beat from the flight and a day of walking around. (okay and a couple glasses of wine). Missing the Masters golf though, but this is worth it. Beautiful day and the most amazing view from the Arc de Triumphe!! Can't wait to see the Arc from the Eiffel Tower tomorrow. Interesting observations regarding cars and people on the very busy street Avenue des Champs-Elysees; unlike NYC the cars don't constantly honk and there isn't continual yelling at people while driving. It was really quiet. Yet, people seem to think they really do have the right away and just walk out regardless of the little green man blinking the OK or not, they are INSANE. New Yorkers edge out but certainly don't randomly or routinely just walk out, even with cars coming right at them. Granted I doubt they'd be killed, I mean a lot of the cars driving around made the US Smart Cars look like SUV's!

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