I am at the 3 month point post surgery. The past 2 weeks I have been on a steroid to push through the last bit of resistance and get the pinching to stop in my shoulder. So far it has shown to be a success. Brad has wisely chosen the past two weeks to be on travel all but two nights. Coincidence? I think so but he is darn lucky. I haven't slept much, I can't workout enough and I am not losing any weight. Just loving the holiday season this year!
Last Thursday and this Thursday I have done physical therapy in the Lorton office of Greater Metropolitan Orthopedics since that is where Susan, my therapist, is now working. I have been able to progress to 'swimming' on the ball, not a lot of strokes but it is a step forward.

At first it seems easy but then I can still feel the pinching so I have had to think about my stroke. Just like in all my stretching exercises I have to pull my scapula muscle in so there isn't any pinching when I reach. I will also be putting those small underused muscles to work with each stroke. I don't yet know how this will translate in the pool. Last Thursday I pushed off the wall with both arms above my head and tried to kick a 25 with fins on and my arms out front. The pressure of the water really surprised me and there is still pinching. My anchors that hold the bicep and labrum feel solid and all is secure but we haven't done a stroke yet. I am hopeful that I can try a freestyle stroke either this week or next. Dr. Carlini saw me today, he is really pleased with the flexibility I have after two weeks of steroids. Hopefully after I see him next month I will be good to go. Here is a small comparison of where I am at and what is considered 'normal'.
All measurements in degrees 11/29 book normal Trish normal 12/8
Internal Rotation 80 70 100 100
External Rotation 91 90 130 108
Flexion 175 180 185+
Abduction 157 180 185+
Internal Rotation means I am on my back and lift my arm over my head, the external rotation means I bring it up from the side as high as I can. The flexion and glenohumeral abduction are when I have my arm at shoulder height, elbow bent and I push my hand down towards the front and the abduction is pushing it to the back. I like the progress.
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