Had to add this it was just too funny.
Kaitlyn was totally asleep. |
Things had been going well and although I was a little unsure about the whole Great Wolf Lodge and water park last weekend I thought I could handle it. Well, let me tell you, I did handle it! Kaitlyn and I killed it going down the two person intertube slide. We went so fast when we shot off the slide we went all the way up to the top step where you get out of the water! It was awesome, fun for all...but I overdid it, just a little, I guess. Oh and the Howlin' Tornado was so fun, I rode that with Brad. I did my best to not grip but I may have tensed the bicep a bit because by Sunday I was hurting a little. That did not make for a fun PT appointment on Tuesday.
Turns out my tendon was a little inflamed from maybe doing too much. Susan went easy on me but that might have been because my friend, Kirsten, was there doing PT too. We were hanging out doing our exercises and chatting about our shoulder surgeries and recovery. Fun and yet painful.

This is me on the 'stem' machine, it does not sound fun and it isn't that great either. It stimulates your muscles to make them work. Afterwards my arm is actually tired, but on Tuesday it was more tired than before. On Tuesday that 1 hour of PT was enough for my arm and I pretty much let it rest the remainder of the day. Wednesday was about the same, I let it rest and today PT went better. Not as sore as Tuesday and a little looser. So after my hour with Susan I went swimming.
Here is a video Dominic made of me swimming with 1 arm and not that fast. Do you know that I finally rotate my shoulders and yet I think I look so awkward. The key is to make my body like a board, just kick and turn my head to the side to breath. By the time I have two arms (sometime after Christmas) I hope my arms rotate and my body stays straight, like a board. For now, good to know I can see this video and maybe finally fix my stoke while my arm heals.
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