Of course once everyone is up it's all about the posing , unless your Dubya then he sneaks onto the bed for a few minutes of extra comfy shut eye.
After the trying of something new, we moved onto the practicing of the piano. We decided to keep playing through the summer and keep up with lessons. At least that's what I thought 'we' wanted, but as you can see from her super happy look practicing piano wasn't exactly in her plans for this sunny laid back Sunday. That said she powered through and allowed me to take one picture. We found a used piano this year and it's been great except it needs tuning so finally this week I'm getting it tuned.

Everyone enjoyed Father's Day at Springboard this year. Brad was happy, he'd been in the pool with the other dad's and then he'd taken a little nap in the chair. McB shared a bit of her ice cream with him, very generous of her.
Then low and behold the unimaginable happened! Marcia GOT IN THE POOL!! This was a rare site and it's worth noting that as soon as she was in, Brad was up with the camera to get a shot. This only happened because a bee was flying around her and wouldn't go away but we all celebrated and joined in for the picture!
Here are a few more fun pictures from our afternoon at Springboard pool, Sarah, who is the assistant manager this year, as well as an intern coach and super fast swimmer. She is awesome and always has a smile and a great attitude. Sarah is part of what makes our pool so great.
Here is my friend, Tiffany and our fantastically talented Barracuda swim coach Kellee, hanging out in the pool and getting a few minutes of adult time away from the kids. Like all the mom's at the pool on Sunday we wanted our kids to enjoy their dad's and get some good quality father child time in.
Another BFF and smart mom who brought kids and husband to the pool for Father's Day, Tama! She also found a few minutes of quiet time hanging out in the lounge chairs.
McB found Cheech and Gong (her awesome local godparents, they are so cool that she gets to stay over at her 'apartment' in their house once in a while) so we got a picture with Auntie Cheech too. How many times can I say it, a beautiful sunny warm long Sunday??
Dubya eventually got in the next day and loves splashing around. He also loves running in through the dog door all nice and wet, spinning out around the corner onto the wood floors of the kitchen and seeing how far he can slide. We can hashtag that 'things I failed to consider' when we bought the pool for him. But in our house, everyone has to learn to swim right?
Our Summer Solstice was fun, relaxing and quiet. We were able to enjoy the day with friends and there wasn't one place we had to be at any given time. We could swim, eat ice cream, jump off the diving boards or go down the slides at the pool, hop out, chat and get back in to do it again. The best part was McB and I spending the day with Brad for Father's Day. I hope you had a great summer solstice too.