I thought our summer would be the usual...McB swimming, me juggling swim and a new dog along with teaching some swim lessons, a few nights out with the girls, and Brad when I could have him at home would join us. But, luckily for us, he took the summer off and has been here at home. It was such a nice treat and he was able to enjoy and live the entire summer swim team season, along with all the adult social activities we gals cooked up for everyone.

I have a few pictures posted of Brad and two of the other swim dads he hangs with both for indoor and outdoor swim season. They are obviously enjoying a cool glass of lemonade or ice water at the swim team end of year private party at the pool. Here I am also enjoying some lemonade with some of my close girlfriends that same night. It was a fun evening complete with the 10&U kids on top of the adults shoulders playing volleyball in the pool. The evening ended with many of us mom's saying 'forget the rules' and wearing goggles on our faces down the slide! Yep, that's us, wild and crazy swim moms! End of the season and totally out of control!

Like I said in my previous post, it's not a summer post without at least one (and we have way more than one) picture of McB and Ry so we needed a few of the moms together too. Our annual pool selfie on the left and out to dinner at Walkers in our matching Eddie Bauer dresses with Brad on the right. This was just in June....we have a whole slew of photos from this fun filled summer!

But, let me show you some of the other really fun nights we had at Springboard Pool or because of Springboard Pool.
Here is one of our Friday Night Pasta Rally's this one was July 3 and the theme was obviously Red, White and Blue. We took the opportunity to get a few family photos in.

We spend a lot of time at the pool in general because it's fun, easy and we always see friends when we are there. There is no shortage of kids for McB to play with and there is never a shortage of friends for me to chat with either. We also spend a lot of time at the pool because of swim team and summer league and those are the friends we spend so much time with and thus the pool bonds us together.
But since we're talking 4th of July...and I'm not
too insecure to post this one on Facebook so I will put it here too. I attempted and succeeded in doing the Ryan off the diving board on the 4th of July, in my 4th of July swim suit. It was the first time anyone had attempted it and after about 3 tries I succeeded well enough. The original owner of this move informed me my left hand wasn't exactly in position but for a mom I did okay. I will take that and keep working on it for next summer.
As I said before, we spend a lot of time with our swim team family in the summer and here are almost all (missing a few in here because it was in the middle of the afternoon) of the swim moms hanging out at the bowling alley while the swim team has their annual bowling event. Good food and a lot of uninterrupted chatting that afternoon.
Since my friend, Nessa, was a pool board member and in charge of activities, we were recruited to help with a lot of the events. All fun for us, as you can see. I brought my grandmother's embroidered aprons for us all to wear a few times. This is our first Saturday "Welcome Back" dinner for the pool. We served Red Hot and Blue and then sweated our fanny's off because the sun was at our backs and it was HOT! But you know what? Super fun too!

We three mom's did manage to pull off the concert of the summer and take our girls to their first concert ever! It just happened to be the Taylor Swift 1989 Tour. Huge fun for the girls and especially we three moms. Great concert and Taylor's guest was Lorde, I think Marcia and I were more excited than the girls over that!

Our group likes to spend a lot of time reminiscing about the good old days in the 80's so it made sense that Nessa turned a Friday Night Social into an 80's theme night. We had awards for best outfits, flare, music and movie trivia and of course my folks were in town so they won for best chaperones in the 80's because they spent a lot of time doing that back then! Brad flipped his collar up but I will say there were quite a few guys that went all out and rocked the 80's look complete with mullets, boom boxes and some serious prepsters too!
Cheech and I testing out
one of the photo op
backgrounds. |
In August we got the aprons out again and this time had a Hawaiian Luau complete with lumpia (Filipino egg roll) a smoked pig, fruit and photo ops galore around the pool. Here we are in my grandmother's aprons again, this time serving a Hawaiian meal.
I tried to get a potential Christmas card picture of us, especially because McB and I love Brad's summer goatee, but I don't know if it worked of not. I do know that people had a great time taking pictures.
The whole 80's swim pool gang that
was in town and could make the game. |

I have mentioned our love of all things 80's and here we are just last weekend at the Nationals baseball game all dressed up ready to watch baseball and have a few beers. A few of us even did 30 seconds of squats for a fee beer koozie. Totally worth it, furr sure! We also enjoyed listening to the Legwarmers, an awesome 80's cover band that played in the stadium.
I managed to get a picture with Brad at the Dedication sign. You can't really see it but we are pointing at our names as 10 year Nationals Baseball Season Ticket Holders. (We've done our part now it would be nice to see them win it all, sooner rather than later too).
Finally I will end with this picture. We try to get all of us together at least once a year, sometimes in swim suits and sometimes in swim team gear. But this year we managed to be all dressed up for a surprise 50th birthday party at the pool. Again, we are missing a few but you can see we are a fun group of gals. We all love our pool and we love getting to spend our days together having fun, whether it's in or out of the pool. The memories are awesome and I'm very lucky to have such wonderful women in my life.