It's that time of year again, my now 9 year old has finished another summer of swimming in the Northern Virginia Swim League (NVSL) and we are in the dog days of summer with a new school year in sight. I will be honest I think I love summer more, now that I'm a mom, than I ever did when I was her age. Many things are different for her, we belong to a summer neighborhood pool where we can spend hours every day playing, swimming, being with friends and eating dinners there. We also have a vastly different type of summer league than where I grew up. Our meets were at the minimum 90 minute drives away on a week night and in 50 meter pools. Hers are maybe 25 minutes away and in 25 meter pools on Saturday mornings or Monday evenings. Her swim practices are at 8 am, mine were at 6 am for two hours each day in the summer. But, as a mom and a swimmer I love it all and I love the opportunity to be a part of the NVSL and watch McB's success.
McB and her pal Ryan |
Coach Kim with her 9-10 girls
and Mason, Peter & Nicco behind |
This year I spent time as a stroke and turn judge and the hardest part was keeping from yelling when my girlie was swimming. The funniest moment was during time trials when I did something I never thought I'd do, I disqualified my own daughter in the 50 back! But the reality is, she did it herself I just happened to be the judge that was standing over her and raised my arm. She was a little miffed at me for a while. I took a few jabs for DQing my own daughter, but then again I wasn't the first one to take out their own kid.
One of the things I really love about summer league swimming is that you never know who you will run into, like a college friends brother who was with another swim club in our division. Or other mom's from school who are team reps or their kids are on the team you're swimming against that week. A few times during the summer there were many of us that were friends because of masters swimming long before we were parents and now our kids are all competing!

This year we were blessed to have my folks visit in the summer and they saw McB compete in two meets, a B meet and an A meet. They saw her swim her best 25 fly time up to that point and she didn't go faster until Divisionals! We were also lucky to have Kaitlyn and Erin see her swim. Kaitlyn was just a few weeks post jaw and mouth surgery and still not getting out much. It was one of her first big outings and McB loved having them both there too. We were just grateful that Kaitlyn could make it for the whole meet and Erin being there to help her made it possible. I can totally see Erin being a swim team mom some day, she got into it, team hat and everything! Kaitlyn would be more like me and need to be working on the deck or else she'll drive her kids crazy too.

What was really wonderful this season was seeing my little 9 year old compete like a veteran. Watching her behind the lane waiting to swim there was a calmness about her and a confidence too. She had goals and raced to achieve them this year. She didn't let the fact that some of the girls swimming fly against her were actually 11 (NVSL rules state the age you are June 1 is what age group you swim in all season) she went after them with even more determination.

The summers also give us a chance to bring many friends in our life to one place, our school, swim, neighbors and gym friends, many of them belong to our little pool. It is fun for us as adults to spend Friday nights having a glass of wine together and then Saturday mornings coffee at swim meets. Wednesday night raft nights for dinner and just being at the pool during swim practices or for fun. It is fun for us and for the kids.

I just feel like we are in the right place when it's summer and I think McB does too. She is going to grow up and have all these fabulous memories and friends from Springboard Pool. She will have many more swim meets with her friends and as she continues to complete in USA swimming she will know even more of the swimmers she is competing against in the summer league meets as well. I just love that she has such fun at the pool and I have really loved this summer that she is at the pool and is 100% self sufficient and walks in, drops her bag and has at least one friend to instantly go play with. I also love that she still wants to play with me and will spend hours diving for rocks in the deep end with me or doing hand stands or jumping off the diving board. All those things are still fun for me too. But it is also quite nice to walk onto the pool deck and see where she dropped her bag and I see my friends too and I get to chat in a lounge chair or just hang in the pool.

Did I mention that some of her friends aren't her age? I get a chuckle over how she can have a full conversation with Mason (who will be a freshman at ODU this year) about the Calgary Stampede Rodeo, or how she totally holds her own when chatting about a variety of things with Francisco (Franny), who will be a senior at Edison High School. But I really love how she just snuggles up and hangs with Sarah that and the fact they both wear their swim suits the same way. Sarah, McB and Franny even dress alike at times.
Record breakers at Championship
Relay Meet |
Most of the time she is with her 9-10 crew either in swim practice, a swim meet or playing in the pool. This summer the girls all really bonded and cemented their friendships. The four girls on the right, McB, Lisa, Kayla and Paige also put together a pool record 100 free relay and for them it was a pretty sweet victory. For this mom, as I stood on the corner of the pool, being a relay take off judge, it was all I could do not to jump up and down and cry at the same time. I was so proud of them all and so happy for their victory. I know their coach, Kim Case was proud of them too. They all worked hard for the chance to be on the relay and the chance to get a record and their names on the Springboard wall.

Here she is with the coaches, what a fabulous and talented group we had coaching our kids this summer. They bonded too and I think if they all come back next year our summer season will be one of the best ever. It was Claire's first year as our assistant coach and she brought experience both from racing and also from coaching. Our intern coaches had double duty as swimmers and coaches and handled it well, really well and a couple also were the head cheerleaders as Cuda Man and Cuda Man's side kicks.

This blog entry was a little long but this summer was more than just our little 9 year old competing in summer league again. It was the realization that the pool friends we've made have become our own little family and the times we share are going to be some of the most cherished memories I will ever have (including the summer solstice trip~ one big long bruising memory!). This summer of swim competing was wildly successful though and I don't want to end without saying that McB not only got to swim on a winning and record breaking free style relay but she was also named Cuda of the week. As her coach said, she earned it not only for handling the pressure she put on her but also having to deal with the pressure I put on her. (I only give her what I know she can take and I only push her when I know she has it within her to be better). The next day after being named Cuda of the Week, at Divisionals she surprised us all by taking second in the 25 fly and dropping another .7 seconds! She rocked a 19.37 and essentially dropped 4 seconds from last summer! Those are the swim moments you remember and when it gets tough and you're tired and don't want to go to practice, those are the memories that get you through. She still has a few seconds to drop to make All Star cuts and hopefully get into that meet but who knows what she can do between now and next summer? She can do anything she wants in the pool and out. I expect her other events to come together this year as well and I hope to say next year she swam in more than one event and hopefully did make All Star cuts.

It's been a great summer and even though we've got a few weeks left, school and regular life is starting to nudge it's nose into our blissful summer. The warmth I feel on my face in the mornings when I walk outside, won't last much longer nor will the early morning swims with the sun in my eyes when I turn to breath. But they will in my memories and they will tide us all over until next year.