I'm happy to report that my shoulder is getting stronger and I'm progressing pretty well. We don't need to do measurements to see what degree I am at since I surpassed 'book normal' about 10 days post surgery. Susan rarely has to stretch me either since I can fully extend into a streamline with my arms above my head and have regained all that flexibility. I was worried that by 'capping' the tendons and pulling them through the 'button hole' it would shorten them but I haven't had an issue yet.
I'm now using the Bosu ball for stabilizing and more strengthening. I'm also using it to do almost full push ups. I started using the Bosu ball for push ups after my last surgery because I felt it made me use my core more and it forced me to use my back muscles more and those are what I need to keep my shoulder strong. These two pictures are from last Thursday at six weeks post surgery. I could do 10 and now I've built up to almost three sets of ten. I am constantly surprised at how fast I lose strength, the older I get.

Here I am on the ball and using little tiny 1 pound weights. Ridiculously easy but it was where I had to start. I start with my arms in a 90 degree position then use my back muscles to pull them up level with my shoulders and then I 'lift' the weights up higher than my shoulder. Like in this picture to the right. The next day I did this at the gym and used 2 pound weights and today I used 3 pounds. I will probably stick with 3 pounds for a week and then start using 5 pounds.
I have been able to do lat pull downs at the gym too, starting with 60 pounds last week and then 70 this week. I hope to be back at 80 pounds next week. Today Susan had to massage my bicep muscle because it was so tight. All of these exercises are really working the muscles and it gets surprisingly tired afterwards. That doesn't take into account every day life at my house. An 8 year old, a 17 year old lab and now two minor league baseball players living with us for the season. I tend to do more than I should some days. But, it's all good and I have been pain free for the most part during this recovery. Tuesday I got in the pool for the first time in seven weeks. It felt good (and slow) but I could kick and do one arm freestyle and backstroke. I am hoping in another two weeks to try my right arm too. I need to start training again or else the 8 year old is going to get faster than me!
Finally I am also using stretch cords to do additional muscle building of my shoulder and back muscles as well as my arm. I will post them soon since I am having a heck of a time doing one that looks like I'm throwing a baseball. I can't seem to do it without wanting to tense up my shoulder and not use my back muscles. Who would have thought it would be so hard?
I'm now using the Bosu ball for stabilizing and more strengthening. I'm also using it to do almost full push ups. I started using the Bosu ball for push ups after my last surgery because I felt it made me use my core more and it forced me to use my back muscles more and those are what I need to keep my shoulder strong. These two pictures are from last Thursday at six weeks post surgery. I could do 10 and now I've built up to almost three sets of ten. I am constantly surprised at how fast I lose strength, the older I get.
Here I am on the ball and using little tiny 1 pound weights. Ridiculously easy but it was where I had to start. I start with my arms in a 90 degree position then use my back muscles to pull them up level with my shoulders and then I 'lift' the weights up higher than my shoulder. Like in this picture to the right. The next day I did this at the gym and used 2 pound weights and today I used 3 pounds. I will probably stick with 3 pounds for a week and then start using 5 pounds.
I have been able to do lat pull downs at the gym too, starting with 60 pounds last week and then 70 this week. I hope to be back at 80 pounds next week. Today Susan had to massage my bicep muscle because it was so tight. All of these exercises are really working the muscles and it gets surprisingly tired afterwards. That doesn't take into account every day life at my house. An 8 year old, a 17 year old lab and now two minor league baseball players living with us for the season. I tend to do more than I should some days. But, it's all good and I have been pain free for the most part during this recovery. Tuesday I got in the pool for the first time in seven weeks. It felt good (and slow) but I could kick and do one arm freestyle and backstroke. I am hoping in another two weeks to try my right arm too. I need to start training again or else the 8 year old is going to get faster than me!
Finally I am also using stretch cords to do additional muscle building of my shoulder and back muscles as well as my arm. I will post them soon since I am having a heck of a time doing one that looks like I'm throwing a baseball. I can't seem to do it without wanting to tense up my shoulder and not use my back muscles. Who would have thought it would be so hard?