Piper spent 11 months growing her hair out so she could donate 10 inches to Locks of Love. We finally decided her hair was long enough last week and after she wore it up in a ponytail for the school Sock Hop we went to see Joey at Salon Prive.
Joey consulting with me while he
cuts Piper's hair.
Joey gave Piper her first hair cut when she was 11 months old. She cried and cried at him so much I thought he was going to be afraid of kids for life! He spent the next 6 years sending home a lollipop with Brad or me after our hair cuts just so Piper would trust him. Thus, other than our favorite hairstylist on the West Coast, Jaymes Cady (Jaymes Place, Ellensburg, WA., check him out he's wonderful) who else to cut her hair for Locks of Love than Joey?
Joey did a fantastic job and when we were done I told him I wanted my hair cut just like Piper's! Miss Piper is quite pleased with her new style and is happy she could donate to such a wonderful cause. She has also informed her dad and I that she is growing her hair out again to donate next summer. Piper is one of three girls in her Daisy troop to donate this year.
After, super cute!
Here is the website if you want to look into growing and donating your own hair,