I know many of you have heard about my newest adventure but I finally have video to share with everyone. This is what I hope is the beginning of a long, and fingers crossed, profitable adventure into bucking bulls and rodeo stock. Daisy's Bucking Bulls has long been talked about, tossed around and ideas put on the table, but until our 10 year anniversary did it really start to happen. I was given this, a choice between the traditional diamond (in my case an upgrade of my solitaire) or 3 bucking bulls bred by our good friend, Justin McKee at his ranch in Oklahoma. I picked the bulls and Daisy's Bucking Bulls was finally a reality.
Easy E...did not make the cut
It has been a few months and the bulls are down in Texas, outside of Carthage, with a trainer who has had some good results in the past. He is a really nice guy and I plan to go there this spring and finally see the little guys in person. That said, after the inital bucking with a remote control 2 pound dummy on their backs, only two have made the cut. Poor Easy E, he turned out to be quite the pet and would come out of the chute and chase the cowboys around to be petted. They even sadle broke him to carry grain so his career is a non starter.
Channel Kat out of a daughter of Splat Kat
and sired by Werewolf.
I decided to name the bulls after swimming events, places and people if I could, Easy E was named after my college swim coach, Earl Ellis. Earl was NEVER easy but we gave him that nickname one summer during our Washington Swimming summer practices. I guess Easy E didn't figure that out. The next two bulls show A LOT of promise, Channel Kat is named after my USS swim team that I trained with in the summers, the Tri City Channel Cats, in Richland, WA. This Channel Kat seems pretty good, here is a picture of him.
Commander B out daughter of
Hot Shot and sired by Mossy
Oak Break up.
Finally, even though I wanted to keep it all in the swimming family to tie in my love of rodeo with my love of swimming, I thought this guy should be named after the guy who helped give me my dream, so the third bull is named Commander B. Turns out Commander B is the rankest of the bunch and as you can see in the video he has quite a kick in the air. He even looks a little mean doesn't he?
Finally, I have video of Comander B and Channel Kat to share as well. The first is Commander B.
Here is Channel Kat: