The Las Vegas trip was a lot of fun, this time there was one new place I wanted to visit. It was Minus 5 Ice Bar in the Monte Carlo Hotel and so we did! It is only open in the evenings until 1 AM and you have to buy either a $25, $50 or $75 package and that includes a long parka, gloves, and a drink. If you upgrade you get to wear a fur coat, fur hat, you get more drinks, and free pictures.

We stopped by the desk before we bought a package and were given extra coupons for free shots. So here we are sitting in the ice bar with our drinks. Oh here is the other catch, you can't bring anything in with you, no phone, camera, video, nothing. Thus, I did have to buy these pictures. Here is one with our new Penguin friend we met in the Ice Bar. Quite a character that penguin!

Finally, here is a cute picture of Julie and me. We had so much fun together on our yearly trip to Vegas...with Brad. Although this picture is us with the friendly penguin, Brad didn't really hit it off with the Ice Bar host, ha ha.
I think Minus 5 is pretty fun. We stayed in there about 30 minutes and had 2 fruity vodka drinks. Brad could compare Minus 5 to the actual Absolut Ice Bar in Stockholm...there is no comparison. But for Vegas, worth it.