Five and a half years ago I gave birth to my little girl, and today I sent her off to Kindergarten. She is still my little girl, despite the fact she continues to tell me she is a big girl now. I will add that the first time she told me this she was about two and a half and we were discussing the fact I didn't want her touching everything in the tea store in Annapolis. I think the conversation went like this, "Piper don't touch those cups they will break. What I say goes, I am the mommy and you are the little girl." Piper, "big girl, I am the big girl." I can laugh at it now, but there she was, sitting in her stroller on the sidewalk arguing with me. Where was Brad? He was standing behind her LAUGHING at me!! Here is my baby as a baby;
We have to drive her everyday and this week we can walk her into the gym and drop her off. After that it's stop at the curb and she gets out and walks in on her own. For me, it was totally overwhelming in the gym, there were so many kids from all the grades waiting to be escorted by their teachers to the classrooms. But, as overwhelmed as I was, she was totally unfazed. Here is Piper with her very proud Mama and Papa.
She sat down with her classmates and started making friends right away. I was never like that, I am sure you are surprised but I was always very quiet and shy until I got to know you. She is clearly not like that, at least with her peers.
The morning was filled with some odd retail therapy with Brad; we went to Lowe's and picked up toilets, vanities, lighting fixtures, grout, 2x4's...not exactly the retail therapy I probably needed. Thus, after we unloaded all of that, I had to replace my workout watch at Target, luckily I saw an end cap filled with honey BBQ chips, so I ate 2 small bags...then I felt better. (And worse all at the same time, I should have just insisted we go to Nordstroms)! However, when I saw her smiling face I knew we'd chosen the right school for her. Here she is with her teacher, Mrs. Barrick.
All in all a good day and after lunch she and I went swimming one more time at the pool. We spent a good hour in the deep end, and most of it underwater. She is more like Ariel at the moment but I am keeping my fingers crossed for another Dara Torres or Natalie Coughlin. I love her.